The working groups in the Biochemistry research area use various model organisms to answer the following questions:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Ronald Kühnlein
+43 316 380 - 5504
ORCID: 0000-0003-1448-4117
Kühnlein group
The Kühnlein research group conducts basic research on the model system Drosophila melanogaster on the subject of energy and lipid metabolism from the individual cell to tissues and organs and the organism as a whole.
Using a variety of techniques, the research group develops a picture of organismal lipid management, focusing on understanding the genetic architecture and regulatory principles that enable the organism to adapt to challenging living or environmental conditions.
Natter group
We investigate the regulation of lipid metabolism in baker's yeast, in particular its interaction with other metabolic processes, such as central carbon metabolism. In translational research approaches, we genetically modify yeast so that it synthesizes and stores large amounts of lipids of biotechnological importance.
Athenstaedt group
Our research focuses on the cell organelle "lipid droplet" - the storage site for triglycerides and sterol esters. How are lipid droplets formed? How are the lipids stored in them broken down? We are investigating these and similar questions using the model organism yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Priv.-Doz. Dr.rer.nat. Oksana Tehlivets
Tehlivets group
Our research aims to elucidate pathological mechanisms through methylation. The key enzyme, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase, is highly conserved (over 70% identity between humans and yeast). A deficiency of this enzyme leads to severe consequences as it results in the accumulation of AdoHcy. This is also the case in hyperhomocysteinemia, a common pathological condition. Our work uses yeast as a model to elucidate these mechanisms using biochemical, genetic and molecular biological methods.
Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Heimo Wolinski
Wolinski group
Our research focuses on the formation and interaction of lipid particles in cells, which play a key role in lipid metabolism and energy homeostasis. We investigate spatio-temporal mechanisms at the molecular and cellular level using advanced imaging and image informatics techniques. Our work includes genetically modified yeast and mammalian cell systems to understand lipid particle-associated diseases.
Hämmerle group
Günter Hämmerle has been working on lipid and energy metabolism in humans and the development of metabolic diseases for many years. His team is investigating the function and significance of lipid-degrading enzymes and co-regulators in the lipid metabolism of muscle tissue, the liver and the intestine.
Hämmerle's research group is currently investigating the function of human ATGL in the regulation of energy metabolism as a basis for the development of efficient strategies for the treatment of metabolic diseases of the skeletal and cardiac muscle. Another research focus is the elucidation of the role of carboxylesterases (CES) in lipid catabolism at the endoplasmic reticulum and the elucidation of the function of murine Ces in comparison to human CES genes.
Lass group
Overeating, an imbalance between energy intake and the body's own consumption, lead to liver damage, among other things. This leads to non-reversible changes such as the transdifferentiation of liver cells and the loss of vitamin A stores. Our research focuses on the investigation of the metabolic relationships between the lipid/energy balance and vitamin A metabolism, particularly under the pathological conditions of liver damage.
Schweiger group
My research interest lies in the cellular and metabolic flexibility of adipose tissue. We investigate how immune cells and fat cells communicate to adapt metabolism to cold or fasting. We are also investigating whether and how cancer cells interfere with this communication and disrupt the cellular interaction, resulting in the loss of adipose tissue and muscle, known as cachexia.
Zimmermann group
Our research focuses on lipolytic enzymes that regulate lipid degradation in mammalian cells. These lipases play a central role in cellular processes, energy production, and metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Our aim is to identify new lipases and to elucidate their function by biochemical and molecular biological methods.
Preiß-Landl group
Our research aims at the identification and characterization of proteins in the "lipolysome", which enables the orderly release of lipid reserves in adipose tissue. In addition to known lipolytic enzymes such as ATGL and HSL, we are looking for unknown components that regulate lipolysome function. We use tandem affinity purification (TAP) and biochemical, cell biological and structural biological methods to understand their role in lipid metabolism.
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Franz Radner
Radner group
Our research focuses on the identification and detailed characterization of the molecular factors and mechanisms that are involved in the formation of the skin barrier and lead to the development of ichthyosis in humans in the event of defects. Our findings form the basis for the development of effective therapies for the treatment of this hitherto incurable disease.
Schreiber group
Our research focuses on neutral lipid metabolism. In particular, we are interested in how intracellular lipolytic enzymes (lipases) influence adipocyte health and mitochondrial function and thus metabolic health. To investigate our hypotheses, we use biochemical methods, high-resolution respirometry, mammalian cells and mouse models in combination with state-of-the-art physiological in-vivo-phenotyping.
X (Twitter): Renate Schreiber (@RenateSchreibe1)
LinkedIn: Renate Schreiber at University of Graz
Taschler group
We are interested in various aspects of lipid and energy metabolism. My group focuses on the biochemical characterization of lipid hydrolases in vitro and tries to elucidate the physiological role of previously uncharacterized enzymes using biochemical, cellular and molecular biological methods. We pay particular attention to enzymes involved in the synthesis and degradation of lipids with signaling effects. Our current research projects focus on the detailed characterization of lipases in the intestine and in the central nervous system.